Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Things I'm loving...until maybe next week...

Alex Pardee:
Have I professed how much I love this mans' art? Probably not. I can't even being to express the admiration, inspiration and gawk-ation (yes I made that word up) that his work elicits from me. This is probably my favourite piece (although this changes on a daily basis):

Lollipop 26:
Okay, I'm finally admitting to the world (or whoever is reading this) my love for make-up tutorials and as such, "make-up gurus"on Youtube. One of the first girls I watched was Laura (Lollipop 26). There is something so calming about listening to her ramble about cosmetics, skin care, clothes etc.

Harabara: Typeface:
Friendly, soft and cozy...this is what I think of when I look at this: Love!

Amazing Endings:
Remember this: thought-provoking, courageous, heart-wrenching, beautiful, real, subtle...

and, love , love...

Thanks for taking the time to read....and remember...

Inspiration is Everywhere.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Hello World!

Okay so this is the first entry to my design blog!

I assure you this will be much more then your typical design blog.  Along with engaging anecdotes about typography, editorial design and fills and strokes of all sorts, I will also be exploring the world of make-up and its environs and culinary pursuits..hey let's keep it fresh and new!

So stay tuned for much more and if nothing else, just remember that


P.S some inspirational photos....well to me at least. Okay I have a thing of the macabre.

Rob Sheridan

Alex Pardee

Naoto Hattori

My face...